Advert Evaluation
Brainstorming ideas for our advert was really productive as we discussed ideas and settled on a synopsis as a group and started to think about the pre production process and who would take on what roles within the group.Nobody was very enthusiastic about stepping forward to be the face of our re branding so to make it fair we chose names at random and Erin was the chosen actress,leaving me and Natalie to take control of the technical side of production.Personally i felt the most confident in control of the camera therefore shot all the footage for our advert, whilst Natalie referred to the shot lists and plans we had made prier to the filming schedule. Only one talent release had to be completed for Erin and the location recce was simple as we only filmed in her bedroom and bathroom. Pre production and shooting ran smoothly and came together nicely,along with a voiceover by Natalie featuring our re branding slogan and brand. The majority of issues we faced were mainly in post productio...