
Showing posts from January, 2018

Change of Hands


TV Advert Analysis

Initial Ideas Proposal

Idea For Short Film Idea Our group will be making a 90 second long film for the depict task that we have be set. The idea we have will focus on a person that gets bullied and is about their feelings and thoughts. A person is walking down the corridor and she thinks they are talking about her, but they are not. She gets upset and runs in the toilet. The person hears people talking but are not there and can’t be heard. She then turns back to look at the mirror. The place of shooting will be the toilets at college near cafeteria and these scenes are in black and white, but might have the blood in colour. This will make the scenes more lifeless to get the depression of the person across. We will use a poem that we will write that will tie in with the short film. The person is depressed due to being bullied at college and social media as well as being ignored by everyone else. May also use a sad sounding song in the background to make a depressing mood. The person is depressed, suic

Depict Pre-Production

Depict Entry - Completed Video


Assignment 1 Feedback Sheet


depict film-production schedule, props and costume

Prop/costume We will not be using any fancy costumes for our short film. We will be wearing regular clothes for the film. As we are filming in college and the character is a regular college person, hence why we are using clothes that are not fancy. The main character has been told to wear plain clothes to give a depressed atmosphere. We will be using a few props for some scenes. We will be using school bags to replicate a school or college environment. There will also be make up and lipstick for some scenes that will link in with the story. The locations we are filming at will be the corridor near the coffee shop in college and the toilets that is in the same location. Production Schedule Name(s): Naomi Wink, Sharleen Bradley, Reece Johnson, Zoe Campling Production title: NSRZ Production dates:13TH November,14th November,16th November Date & Time Activity/Scene Personnel, equipment & Props Required 13/11/17-11:45-13:15:Scenes 1 to 4 Extras have Bags on shoulders ma

Idea for depict film


‘Lighter’-Harry Plowden The film appealed to me because of how serious the hidden meaning is behind something as simple as asking for a lighter, but it actually could be him asking for help. . The soundtrack works well as it is played along with him walking, while he replays the conversations he has had that day, so explains a lot in a little amount of time. We can also tell a lot about the character just by hearing these thoughts e.g. his current situation of having very little or even being homeless. The sound also changes along with the camera angle. The first shot is of the camera following the man, while he is constantly looking over his shoulder to show how he feels as though he is constantly being watched. As soon as this angle changes to a lighter being spotted on the floor, the voices stop, almost like it has been worth being let down, just by finding it in the end, even though no one has actually helped him. ‘Ideas are illegal’-Edward Bulmer This film is interesting and mean